Warfarer on console. (Its awful?)

So I made a post yesterday about the Magick Archer and playing it on console. Seems the devs thought they'd make it as confusing as possible by making the aim button the same as an attack button. Which makes it impossible to use your skills as a CHARGED pinpoint volley.

Now I've unlocked Warfarer. Why am I the only one brining this stuff up? Are you guys playing this game? My issue with the Warfarer on console? In order to use the skill of another vocation you have to pause the game and equip the weapon. Rather than being able to cycle through weapons when trying to use another vocations skill.

Or am I wrong?

Edit- don't yell at me if I'm wrong. I'm sensitive and hammered.

Edit 2 - I'm wrong. And dumb. Yell at me all you want. Intoxication is no excuse.