POV: How you look at your phone when the other player LFs during a raid
I know this is already talked about a ton and I’m sorry (especially cause this probably won’t gain any traction). But I just had to sit 3 Ultra Vegeta 1s one minute LF in a raid and it just pissed me off. If you really wanna see an LF so badly and don’t wanna struggle through a PvP match to see it, just go to any fucking story level. I promise it’s not hard
I know this is already talked about a ton and I’m sorry (especially cause this probably won’t gain any traction). But I just had to sit 3 Ultra Vegeta 1s one minute LF in a raid and it just pissed me off. If you really wanna see an LF so badly and don’t wanna struggle through a PvP match to see it, just go to any fucking story level. I promise it’s not hard