Life if these people were Legends’ producers:
It’s insane how much potential this game has but it’s all in the dumps cuz it’s managed by such greedy devs. Not talking mainly cuz of the current ongoing drought, but just in general. So many bad decisions, greed influenced decisions that just make the player experience insufferable overall. Insanely fast powercreep, the way they handle Zenkais and equipments, needing a certain star count on units and equipments to access their full buffs (another layer of cash grabbing), F2P CC cap, new units being mostly unusable past PvP boost unless they had at least 4-5 dupes, the best player in PvP is a player who spends the most money, abysmal summon rates and pity system, and just so so much more that could be improved. It saddens me just how much Legends pales in comparison to Dokkan when it comes to treating the player. Legends has the potential to be the best DB mobile game of all time but it’s held back by its own devs. I feel like this is something that should’ve been more talked about since the introduction of the Zenkai system and Zenkai meta all the way back in late 2019-mid 2021. But unfortunately it isn’t. Sorry for the long rant but the game just can’t keep going like this or it’ll be a never ending cycle, till it inevitably shuts down before it’s due time. I want to play this game where I’m genuinely enjoying it, not where I’m afraid of queuing into PvP cuz of a certain unit that’s been terrorizing every match they’re in.