Not maining a Rogue; locked chests and traps all day long
I like to play a Rogue, but the times I play anything else, I'm always stunned by how spoiled I was playing one with prologue and early game chests and traps. I could pick every chest in pre-battle Ostagar and detect and disarm every trap in the Wilds.
Then I get the urge to play a Mage and OOPS Davith has no lockpicking so all locked chests remain locked (I don't care about the vendor trash, but I like to max all the exp possible in an area). And since the lockpicking line also governs trap detection... well looks like Alistair is going to tank some fire and legholds.
Just musing for a moment, no one has to agree with me here but I after playing Rogues and then playing anything not a Rogue it just feels to me like this game really REALLY wants the MAIN to be a Rogue. Yeah you can get Leliana right out of Lothering but that still means focusing her if you want her lockpicking up enough... ESPECIALLY for that damn Mage Tower chest in the room next to the Desire Demon mindfucking the Templar. (Question: Does that chest remain after the Tower is cleared, anyone know...?)