And just like that I’ve lost faith in gaming community
EDIT: this relates to people bashing or dismissing the game without playing it not people who are clearly not interested or don’t have time
Ok a little pretext I quite liked the game! Was it a 10/10? No was it a 6/10? No it was a good game around the 7-8/10 that I had fun with and even got the plat since it wasn’t that hard. But since it’s come to PS plus I’ve been commenting telling people to just finally play the game for themselves even if only for a couple hours you’re literally not losing out on anything to truly be your own person and make your own decisions….. Well it turns out that’s too hard for the modern gaming community they need to be spoon fed 90+ metacritics to even press play, 1 commentator said it was “mediocre” I replied “it’s got an 82” he reply’s “i don’t have time for 82’s” I’m just flabbergasted at how honestly fucked this modern day gaming community is! I understand how spending £70 on it at launch after the reviews you might avoid I understand not spending £40-50 but it’s FREEEE
Rant over lol I hope we all enjoy gaming these next 10 years because at this rate we’re fucked for the future 😂