Hero picks in All-Pick are more about being lucky than picking counters

Currently in all-pick each team simultaneously picks 2-2-1 heroes at each stage respectively. This really hampers counterplay strategy. Typically supports pick first. Then Pos3 and Pos 1 or 2. Then whoever is left. I think the game would be better if it was 2-1-1-1 or at least something that more closely matches captains mode. It feels really bad to be picking in the second phase just going off of supports and then getting horribly countered essentially by chance.For example I just had a game where I blindly picked Axe into Ursa and Necrophos. With a 2-1-1-1 setup a pos 1 or 2 player could pick a counter to Ursa or Necro and make the game more balanced.

This encourages people to pick heroes that are just generally good since you have only the supports to go off of and countering supports is a lot weaker than countering an offlaner or a a carry. What do you think? Should the picking system allow for more counter-picking?