Abaddon is Free MMR — 3 Wins, Specific Builds to Maximize the Win
Hey guys, I've been having a lot of fun playing Abaddon recently, and it feels like he's a free MMR hero right now.
Played 3 ranked games as Abaddon (2 carry, 1 offlane), and each game I ran a different build to maximize the win potential.
- Game 1: Radiance => Full carry build, melted through enemy heroes
- Game 2: Harpoon => Disperser => Revenant's Brooch for an aggressive build against Medusa. I was able to dominate the lane and outplay her.
- Game 3: Same build => Abyssal Blade + teamfight control, even with my AM trolling, i still managed to carry the game.
Just wanted to share how strong Abaddon can be right now in the meta. Has anyone else been using him in ranked? Would love to hear what builds you've been using or tips for Abaddon in the current patch.
Watch the full video for the 3-game Abaddon domination!
Video: https://youtu.be/u2KIqbmvuy8?si=WD2YaXDGwfF4hnBJ
Cheers and GLHF in ranked!