Terrorblade's Reflection has a 50% chance of spawning a controllable illusion when used against CK

as the title says. Very niche interaction I saw for the first time yesterday, and I play a LOT. this Terrorblade was spamming reflection on my pos 3 ck and every time he spawned an extra illusion he would immediately have it run over and start hitting me, pos 4 skywrath. insanely efficient as far as winning a 1v2 lane, it felt like there was nothing i could do even with vision superiority. he chewed my ass up with those illusions and won the lane handily, got freefarm and ran the game from there. this was divine 5 territory.

anyways im not convinced that the illusion should be spawning since TB's skill says reflection not illusion. and in my mind illusions have always been controllable. but in any case this is how it works at the moment and i think it makes TB an amazing counter pick to CK as long as you line up the lanes you should be in for a good time.