What's the worst, most memorable, toxic behavior you've seen?

I'm not asking for "Feeding 0/20 Viper" or "Support stole a kill so Pos1 fed down mid" kind of memorable, but "Shit man. This guy needs to be studied" kind of memorable. No names pls, as per rule 6.


I'll start:

Turbo. SEA server. Herald-ish. Before Overwatch (not the game, the report review system) was a thing.

TL;DR: Toxic team bullied kid with less than 5 games so hard the kid started crying into the mic

Game start and the CK had his mic on. You could occasionally hear him talk along with what I assume to be Filipino internet cafe in the background. He sounded like a kid.

Everyone tells him to mute his mic. Kid didn't get it, so I just mute him instead. Peace and quiet.

Game goes on.

The CK in bot lane was feeding hard. Random items, weird skill priority, didn't know how to last hit or lane at all.

Check his account and he probably had less than 5 games. I think he had 2? Definitely not in the double digits. I thought, "Okay. Definitely a newbie. Next game I guess. I suppose it's nice to see new blood every now and then though. Proof game isn't dead yet. Kinda sucks that I'm in here, but whatever. It's turbo."

About half-way through the game, our mid QoP fucking starts blasting into both the mic and chat. Classic gamer rage moment. Tells CK to kys; go uninstall; he's trash; noobshit; his mother is a dog; spam 'REPORT CK' in all-chat; etc.

I thought the QoP would calm down but he just kept going on and on and on throughout the game. Even manages to get the pos5 and pos4 into it, though they only tell the dire to report CK.

Unmute the CK to see the other side of this. This game was trash anyway. Might as well enjoy the free drama.

But the CK isn't fighting back. Not really.

He's crying into his microphone. Like, full on sobbing and shit.

QoP tells him he's garbage for having ONLY moonshard. And he ate the moonshard!

CK sobs into the mic that he just bought it and he didn't know where it went.

QoP continues to rip into the kid for it.

I thought, "Damn. That's a bit too much." Try to calm the QoP down because, come on, this is just a kid on his first few games of Dota. We've all been kiddie-noobs ourselves.

QoP tells me that CK deserves to die for being so noob going into the game. He also tells me that I too, am dogshit lover for defending noobs.

Mute all of them because, damn.

All-chat to say, "Report QoP toxic af". Report QoP myself. Report the other two for good measure as well, but I know that won't really do anything.

Game ends 5 mins after with the rest of the team telling the enemy to report CK and QoP telling CK to kys one final time.

That kid probably never touched Dota2 again after that.