Crownfall Guide Part II



Please share with people who have a hard time looking at subreddit. Including some extra content in this one to answer common questions during event.


I appreciate those who can read this and those who help with missing pieces. I am ahead of the guide at this point but hopefully this helps answer questions.


I will not be posting rewards and unlocks on here because everyone has access to it in your game.

 Not necessary but if you would like me to post more like this or want to support in anyway here is my Twitch ( appreciate anything!



Scrap Merchant


·         You can trade in tokens for other tokens needed.

·         Druid Scraps can be earned every match.


Mysterious Cave *Already completed*

·         I already claimed this however, you can redeem two tokens after completing the dialogue.

·         Correct me if I am wrong you must trade in a specific token to obtain one or the other.


Questing Hearts

·         You can send a token to a friend. Vice Versa.

·         When you receive a token the heart sigil will shine and shake.



Candy Shop II

·         Same as previous shop only difference is that you obtain the second unlock.

·         The second unlock is an extra item slot when rolling.


Strange Vendor *Already completed*

·         Trade in tokens for a bundle of tokens


Comet Crash Site

·         To unlock this on your map you need to advance on the map for it to appear.

·         Unlocks a comic book entry.



Bat Racer

·         There are 2 phases

·         1st: regular race with an ending/unlocks basic token to advance

·         2nd phase: hit high score to obtain extra tokens.





Oasis Fishing

·         Probably worst thing known to man (facts)

·         There are two phases

·         1st phase regular fishing mini game. Complete this to obtain token to advance map.

·         1st phase cont. Beat high score to unlock 2nd phase

·         2nd phase you can see the fucking fish but the scales only

·         2nd phase test your patience to obtain high score for extra tokens

Daily Duel

·         Dota Gambling Mini Game

·         Bet a token on the fighter.

·         If your fighter wins you win the multiple of your coin in returns (can be found under fighter description)

·         Resets every day

·  New fighter spawns every hour



Snapfires Secret Recipe

·         I am not posting spoiler here. Go to YouTube if you don’t want to attempt it.

·         Complete objectives on the live map and acquire resources

·         Create token to advance map




Unusual Item Effects

This is a special drop through the Crownfall treasures. From my understanding the drop chance for one of these items is 1 in 300. This was released some time ago with the Halloween update or New Year event (correct me if I am wrong not too sure about time of release). Treat it as a high tier drop. Depending on which crate you open during its time of release will have specific unusual effects. So, you if open any crate outside of Crownfall it’s impossible to obtain Feather Fall effect.

(I am not the owner of this image) (HalleyCassiopeia) thanks for the photo.