Yope Young Opiate/Opiod User.
Hello, I’m a 33 year old man, been using drgs since 14. Once I tasted narcotics I was hooked from 22 and until now today still chasing. On and off throughout the years. Done it all trust me. Currently as of today I’ve been solely using loperamide. Gotten myself up to about 120+ every two days. For almost 6 months.
I’ve tried quitting to my demise i failed many attempts. These last ten days or so I got tianeptine for the first time ever, 5g pure sodium powder. Then zaza silver 15ct, then Pegasus red 15ct. My plan was to use tia to get off lopes. I’m at the point I’ll try anything. Just not return to H or anything that’ll pop on standard tests. Prior history is broken down to this as follows.
P30’s to H to fetty to tar to kratom to 7o-h extracts to lopes.
Now, I got the tia as I previously said, I tried my first day w/ tia no lopes. And for the three days I took together all 5gs sodium powder. For all three days I didn’t feel a thing. My pupils didn’t even get small. So when that was gone on day four I got more lopes. Day five and six I used lopes. Days 7,8,9 I used a total of 15 zaza silvers & 15ct Pegasus red(15ct). And for both brand name tia supplements, again I didn’t notice anything. So now I’m back on day four of normal lopes habit.
Obviously the tia didn’t work for me. Both via etsy app pure powder form and name brands. So I’m not returning to tia.
Last night I went to gas station and got four shots kratom mit45 silver. I’m a desperate attempt to relive wds I drank two and then last two. I woke up about five hours later in the night horrible wds.
So that tells me the kratom ripped off loperamide and sent me into rapid withdrawal. This morning I went to frantically get more lopes. And therefore here is my question(s).
- Should I start a serious calculated taper of lopes? Anyone have exp’ with this?
- What are thoughts and opinions about kratom ripping disrupting loperamide inducing withdrawals? 3 why didn’t tianeptine work,especially since it was my first time?
- Is loperamide actually SO effective and strong on receptors that my other attempts with other substances wouldn’t make a difference?
I know detox/treatment is an option. Yet at this time I cannot go for my current living and family and employment situation. The fact is I have to figure this out by my own means and abilities/knowledge.
I am open mindful and willing to listen to just about anything at this point, thank you all in advance. -MCDC