How do women dashers feel about this?

It was a 7/11 order today for two rockstars and a fresh cooked pizza. 🍕 when I got to the apartment, I didn’t see him outside…but somehow he was spying on me. When I left the order at the door, he came around the corner and said, “thanks for the pizza.” And smiled at me..(took his husky dog out to potty?? The dog was on a leash) Then proceeded to write this. How do we feel about this exchange? It boosted my self esteem, slightly. But at the same time, I have a man…so I feel weird about this.

It was a 7/11 order today for two rockstars and a fresh cooked pizza. 🍕 when I got to the apartment, I didn’t see him outside…but somehow he was spying on me. When I left the order at the door, he came around the corner and said, “thanks for the pizza.” And smiled at me..(took his husky dog out to potty?? The dog was on a leash) Then proceeded to write this. How do we feel about this exchange? It boosted my self esteem, slightly. But at the same time, I have a man…so I feel weird about this.