Are drivers required to make deliveries INSIDE a customers home?

Customer places a cash order, the instructions state, knock 3 times on the door and come inside the apartment unit and deliver it, $4 cash tip on the table. It’s 8:30pm, dark outside. 14 floors up.

Driver: drivers are not supposed to go inside people’s homes

Customers: every other driver does. I broke my back, how do you expect me to get to the door?

Driver: That’s unfortunate but it’s still a safety risk. Just because other drivers are willing to compromise their safety for a $4 tip, does not mean that I have to do the same.

Manager: just deliver the order. She’s a long term customer and she’s disabled. What’s she supposed to do?

Driver: that’s not my problem. That’s not a reasonable request and accommodation because it jeopardizes my safety.

Manager asks new driver to deliver it and he takes it. Original driver looks on in disgust. Are people really taking these types of risks?