Not sure about this

Not necessarily loving this tile look. So I got the tile at dollar tree😁 and glues them on to Popsicle sticks so the would be straight as I could make them. I than painted them white using spray paint high gloss🤔🤔 I know they look nuts going up behind the stove 😆 they are only secured by the individual popsicle sticks, I did not glue the sticks together yet. I'm still uncertain if this will be the back splash. I have a few other ideas I would like to try before I nail one down. I want to make a custom range of some kind for over the stove, not certain of design yet.... I'm measuring the specs of the countertop to make a custom wrap around " butcherblock" look. The plan is to match the island with that as well. I appreciate everyone in this sub. I get so much inspiration from everyone's creativity 🫶🏼