I walked out

Im a merch manager (was?) and today I walked out. My truck was scheduled to arrive at 2, and then got pushed back to 3. I came in at 10:30 and planned to work until 5 because I’ve made it crystal clear that I have no one to watch my child in the evenings on Thursdays. First thing I did when I got to work was tell my SM that if truck got pushed back any further it would need to get rescheduled. No response from her on that so I grabbed a boat and started working. About an hour later she comes up to me in the aisle and says I need to clock out and come back later. I questioned her and said I’d be losing hours if I did that. She said “no, you’ll do truck and then work the freight until your shift ends.” I reiterated that I cannot stay past 5 on Thursdays and she’s known this the entire time. In front of multiple customers, she tells me that I need to figure out if I want to work there or not because it’s not working with me as the merch. I am so tired of her telling me to put my job over my kid, especially after I’ve talked to our DM about it and he told me that I was doing just fine. I was told it’s a policy not to work freight after 5pm, and she wants me to abandon my kid to push freight til closing. Fuck no. I’ve already contacted integrity matters and her boss, made it clear I will not work there while she’s there

Update is here!!!! https://www.reddit.com/r/DollarTree/s/crJ1zrI0yK