The worst part of dog ownershp
The worst part of being a dog owner has got to be picking up dog poop. I observe each dog owner on their daily walk. They patiently wait and watch the dog drop a log, and then devoutly pick it up. As Seinfeld said, if aliens were to visit earth and they see two species, one doing a poop and the other one carrying the poop, who would they think were the superior species?
I mean, I can barely contain my disgust for all the nasty stuff that comes out of my own body and the process of keeping myself clean. I don't get how pet owners put up with the dirty disgusting animals. They let dogs frolic on their beds and couches, let them lick their faces and mouths with their gross stink breath mouths.
Everything that people would find outrageous and disgusting if other people did those things, they are okay if dogs do those things. Dogs are naked, they rub their anuses on all surfaces, they don't clean their a-holes after pooping, they don't shower everyday, they don't brush their teeth everyday, they drink water from the toilet, they eat their own poop.
And somehow, dogs are better than people! All of the advancement in human civilization and culture has culminated in mocking that civilization and culture by coddling animals.