Dog owners that abuse… dogs.
Sometimes it seems like dog owners are their dog’s worst enemy. They keep big dogs in apartments and other small spaces. They keep breeds that don’t belong in the weather for their particular area. When they get sick of dealing with them, they toss them out in the back yard for hours at a time where the dogs slowly lose their minds. So much of dog owner behavior seems to be exactly opposite what their dogs need. I was out for a walk today and got behind a woman who was walking this huge Corgi. This thing was almost as wide as the sidewalk it was so fat. It waddled when it walked and could barely get around. I can’t stand dogs, but I don’t like to see anything suffer and this dog was clearly suffering. It was not particularly hot today but this dog was so hot that its tongue was almost dragging on the ground. There is absolutely no reason or excuse to let a dog get so fat that it can’t get out of its own way, but I see it way too often. Bulldogs have a terrible time breathing because they are largely a failed breeding experiment but that doesn’t stop a few bulldog owners I see here from walking their dogs when it is very hot outside. I’ve seen bulldogs that look like they’re going to die from the heat. And their owners are just walking along without a care in the world.
Dog ownership seems so much like animal neglect and abuse. I have no doubt that there are good dog owners out there but so many of them seem to do things that are just flat out cruel and awful.