Getting back into the game - Osa Builds?
Hi Everyone,
I've been playing Dofus since the Rushu Beta in 2006. Really got into the game in 2007 on Shika Server and played there on and off with a stint on Zato in between for a year up until about two years ago. My IGN has mostly been Element-Valkyre, Velement and Whatasummon.
I'm looking to get back into the game with a friend but I honestly have no idea how to play the class I thought I had mostly mastered. My main has always been my Osa which is 200 on a Zato at the moment. I also have a 200 Enu and a 180 cra that have some gear.
My main concern is what to do with my osa now? I currently have a set built from full otomai, some Age old, xa cloak and a bearbaric band with a plum/eme. Is int still the best? Which summons are worth leveling?
Bonus question: People still using Imps Village as the main EN forum?
Any feedback would be great. Thanks.
EDIT: I would also being super appreciative of a TLDR of the last two years. Been trying to slowly make my way through the dev logs, but it's a lot to read ;-;