Beri‘s next giveaway of DIY‘s & fossils on Delfini! Read the rules!

Please be respectful and follow the rules :)

  • stay in fenced area. The island is NOT open, it is just a small giveaway.

  • do NOT show up with a bathing suit

  • no littering! There is a waste bin if you need get rid of your own items.

  • LEARN YOUR DIY‘S ON YOUR OWN ISLANDS. The game should be fun and fair for everyone…

  • Beri will let in 3-4 people at a time. For beginners: don‘t spam me, it takes its time, if people want to visit a island at the same time.


  • be ready when it‘s your turn to get in

If you understood the rules, comment the post with your charakter‘s name and island. I will DM you when it‘s your turn.

Please be respectful and follow the rules :)

  • stay in fenced area. The island is NOT open, it is just a small giveaway.

  • do NOT show up with a bathing suit

  • no littering! There is a waste bin if you need get rid of your own items.

  • LEARN YOUR DIY‘S ON YOUR OWN ISLANDS. The game should be fun and fair for everyone…

  • Beri will let in 3-4 people at a time. For beginners: don‘t spam me, it takes its time, if people want to visit a island at the same time.


  • be ready when it‘s your turn to get in

If you understood the rules, comment the post with your charakter‘s name and island. I will DM you when it‘s your turn.