Playing a woman is OP.

First, the obvious one. Female clothing is way better. There's so much variety in styles and color schemes. You can go for realistic, sexy, or flashy; it all looks fantastic! In comparison, male characters just... ugh. Whenever I think about my character wearing some generic suit of armor or a dull wizard robe, I feel uncomfortable, as if my brain physically rejects the concept of wearing male clothing. It is the complete opposite of the sheer joy I get from wearing a cute sundress or just about anything with a skirt.

Second, and I'm sure every guy here will agree with me, having a male body is the worst. When I think of my character, I don't want to think of some icky guy with facial hair, a deep voice, and a chiseled face. I want to think about having soft skin, long hair, and actual boobs! It is a proven fact that the male body feels disgusting to be in, but the female body feels normal; it's like you're meant to look this way rather than how you used to. And having a body that feels right, which is a feature exclusive to women, is why I think this way; it makes playing the game easier. If my DM ever forced me to play as a man, I don't think I could function properly.

Third, and this is the biggest one, everyone treats women nicer in games: NPCs, other players, even monsters. When I'm a guy, they'll say, "Silly boy, you fell right into my trap," which hurts to think about someone saying that to me. But when I'm a girl, they'll say, "Silly girl, you fell right into my trap," which is just plain favoritism. "Your character is getting punched in the face; how does she react?" "You stupid woman, what are you doing here?" "Sister, I love you, but you need to stop pretending you're a man," "OH MY GOSH, YOU ARE A GIRL, YOU STUPID LOVABLE EGG!" "I'm not roleplaying; I genuinely want you to be my girlfriend!" As everyone will surely agree, being called a girl is a compliment, and being called a boy is an insult, and that's why it feels like that to me.

Honestly, I don't know what the other male characters in my group are thinking. Heck, another player blessed to be born as a woman insists on playing as a man. I shouldn't judge him, but he should stop playing the game on hard mode for no reason. And more importantly, he needs to stop calling my character trans. She's a Conjuration wizard, not a Transmutationist! The fact that she was technically born a man but later found a spell to turn herself into a woman has nothing to do with her subclass choice!