I am a player in a campaign and heavily dislike one of my fellow players. What should i do?

Hello, im playing a campaign with my friends, we are 3 players and one DM. I have great chemistry with one of my player friends, but the other I heavily dislike. Here are my reasons..

  1. He always complains that i waste time, do things impulsively (which is a part of my character) to only create problems or make stupid decisions and just that im more of a hassle for the party then any good. Which for the record the DM and my other friend disagree with.

He even celebrated when i got split up from the party and teleported somewhere else, he said he was glad I wasn't with them to waste time.

  1. He always thinks he is better than everyone else, smarter than everyone else and keeps pushing me down below himself by doubting i know things, saying every decision he makes is better than ours. Basically he thinks im stupid. As a person, not even my character, but this puts a sour taste in all my interactions w him in the actual game.

This reflects his dnd character as well as he does not role play, he just plays as himself basically. He is the only one in the party that does this.

Playing dnd is fun, but i am often left with annoyance, frustration etc afterwards because of some comments he makes or similar things, even if I really enjoyed it a session in and of itself.

Im left with wondering what to do about this, hopefully someone here also has experience with playing with someone who they have no chemistry with. All help would be appreciated. Thank you.