When do you use your DAP?
Just curious about when and where people use or don't use their DAP of choice throughout the day, since it does seem like there's a mix of audiophiles and mindful listeners (e.g. trying to fragment their phone use) on this subreddit, two areas that I've dipped my toes in.
Just to offer up some personal examples: - When I listen with IEMs - as a passenger on some form of transport. Usually doing something else as well. - When I listen with headphones - at home and I REALLY want to listen to music and do nothing else - When I listen with speakers - at home while cooking or cleaning, or when I'm driving by myself - When I don't listen to music at all - when I'm cycling. While not technically illegal in my area to listen to music (provided there is no seal), personal experience has told me that it's still unsafe.