What Digimon TCG hot-take do you have?

Basically what the title, so I'll start:

Grandis is not that inconsistent or that bricky. Is it consistent every time? No. Does it brick hard? Yes... BUT that's in comparison to every other good relevant deck (Plus every deck, even the most consistent are can brick hard). It might be linear in its win-con, but if it's consistent enough that it works, it works. I've seen people compare its consistency and bricking to Jesmon who had the same problems and say it's as bad or worse. I've played Jesmon when it was a top tier deck and currently play Grandis this format, and let me tell you: People who claim that are just capping. Jesmon has way better searchers and draw power than Grandis... and yet, somehow, It felt way more bricky than Grandis by comparison.

This is not me defending the deck as it's a hot-take. In comparison to every other relevant deck, its consistency is kind of bad due to lack good, easy to use draw power not as many searchers as other decks, and it does brick harder than other decks. However, I don't think it's as bad as many think.

Or maybe I'm just lucky with my draws and barely brick so I never notice it as a problem. What are your hot-takes on the Digimon TCG?