Opinion on purchasing a ram Dually Cummins that will only tow very rarely?

Consensus seems to be they have less problems if they’re worked consistently. I wanted to get thoughts on that as I’m looking at buying one, but it will not tow any subbstantial weight very often and by that I mean very, very rarely.
My reasoning of purchase Is a truck is needed for general yard work on my acreage and hauling off scrap and trash occasionally and in the future we may have a fifth wheel camper of substantial size but that’s not a definite.

Edit: I did a poor job on giving details so here’s more. It will be a new truck, it will be a daily driver. Many have chimed in about the dd aspect and I appreciate that.

Edit 2: I want to thank everyone who gave their opinion. I think I’ve decided to go 3/4 tonight gas. I can always upgrade down the toad should the need arise. I feel like it is the smart and correct choice.