strange rash, hot swollen joints


32 year old white female in the US (NE ohio to be specific), 5’8 and about 150 pounds. diagnosed conditions: ADD/ADHD, high blood pressure, keratosis polaris (SP?), depression, anxiety, and asthma (though i have no had symptoms or an asthma attack in many many years) current meds: methylphenidate (concerta), adderall, amlodipine, zoloft, metoprolol, and OTC sleeping aid

it’s been 4-5 years at least that i will randomly get this red rash along with swelling on my knees and fingers. my knees will also be very very hot, but only sometimes do my fingers get hot. i have had the same issue in my feet/ankles a couple times but it’s not as common. the heat and swelling is usually the first thing i notice because it can be pretty painful, then the rash will appear, and it lasts anywhere for 15 minutes to a couple hours. it seems to come on at random. i’ll go a month or two without no problems, then it’ll come on everyday for a few weeks. typically it’s a night but not always. in my knees, it does seem to get worse after standing or walking for long periods, climbing stairs or ladders. not sure if anything aggravates it in my fingers, it seems pretty random when it happens there.

i’ve done bloodwork and it shows my white blood cell count is high, but the RA test came back negative. i also got tested for lyme disease and that’s came back negative as well. i went to a few different specialists, one told me i have hyper mobility and the other said “are you sure it’s not RA?”….. well no sir. that’s why i’m here talking to you, the doctor….

possibly related, possibly not, but a few months after i first noticed the symptoms, i had what i believe was a tick bite on my leg. i thought for a while it could be lyme arthritis but since the symptoms started before the possible tick bite, it seems unlikely.

any advice on what i could bring up to my doctor would be very much appreciated.