Thunderfury/Shard of Hate and why you shouldn't be using them.

These are the most sought after weapons in the game because well, its Thunderfury and Shard has a decent proc on it that gave everyone a hard on when it was "Not working as intended". They look cool, they do cool things but you should not be using them if you have any of the following weapons.

Sun Keeper: Hands down, Best in Slot weapon for a monk in the game. You can't argue it, it is just the truth. 30% Elite damage has no comparison.

Fire: Devastator, Burning Axe of Sankiss. Lightning: WKL Holy: Skycutter Physical: Doombringer Cold: Utar's Roar(Lol Chiltara), Azurewrath.

Pairing any of these 2-3 weapon combinations will boost your EDPS way more than either of the procs will on TF and SOH.