Cox's Bazar Hotel Suggestion
Heya fellow reditors, take love ❤️
Me(f) nd my friend(m) planing to go on a trip bt dont know where to stay. Had thoughts to do research on it bt need some real life experiences with suggestion. So, as we dnt have any marriage certificate or other valid document of togetherness, we need to make sure some points tht is needed. a. Hotel allows unmarried couples b. Surrounding must be good (/dnt wanna get judged my social norms, in terms of wearings nd being in the same room with a guy) c. Have pool (/private preferable) d. Easy transportation/access to beach
We dont care about complimentary break fast nd pickup/dropping at airport tht much. Any 3/4/5 star hotel tht matches all this will be an option. We are looking for your support nd suggestion to make our trip the msta. TIA