Thinking of watching the show, LF some spoiler free info first?

So I noticed in the tags there's a lot of variations of Dexter? Idk if these are season titles or what, but I'm specifically looking for the Netflix show that supposedly has 8 seasons?

I just wanted to hear a bit about the show before I gave it a try. I know its got something to do with a serial killer and that's about it.

Is it a very dark and serious show, funny, or both?

My main concern is the amount of gore and stuff. I'm not opposed to blood but if it's really gore, given there's maybe some serial killing going on, then I'd pass. I'm mostly afraid of going in blind on this specifically and was hoping to hear a bit more details than what the show description would give. Also hearing it from other people seems like a better way to avoid accidently seeing spoilers.

Also is there a lot of inter cast drama? Like do our main characters have a lot of drama between eachother and fighting a ton, or are they all like a team?

I admit I really hate when the main group is constantly fighting or not trusting eachother and whatnot. I was watching Lucifer and got part way into season 4 and even tho I adore the show have (temporarily I hope... this was months ago) dropped it because I hated the fact that >! One of the two main characters of the show was secretly working against the other to the point of serious harm/betrayal!<.

Idk I hope I'm not bothering anyone with the questions, i just wanted to get into another show till I convince myself to finally go back to Lucifer and thought this one could be interesting?