/r/DeusEx community thread - celebrating 25 years of Deus Ex!

Hello everyone and welcome to the r/DeusEx community thread, the first of 2025!!

This one will be a bit of a long read, so strap in and get your coffee (sorry)

2025 will mark the 25th anniversary of the franchise, can you guys believe that Deus Ex will be a quarter century old this year! Time flies 🤯

And since you only get to celebrate your 25th birthday once in your entire life, let's try to make this one as special as we can.

I want to dedicate this thread to reflect on the "Deus Ex Experience" each and every one of us has gone through, what is Deus Ex to you? How long have you been a fan of the series? What keeps you coming back?

The Deus Ex adventure is full of twists and turns. We all know the current situation of the series is poor, but I want to keep such negativity out of this thread, let's please try that 🙏

2025 is a moment of happiness for Deus Ex after all.

Now speaking of myself, I'm a relatively new fan to the series, I was introduced to Deus Ex in 2018 or 2017 iirc, believe it or not, but I was quickly dismissive of Deus Ex, my first contact with Deus Ex was through watching gameplay footage of Mankind Divided but it didn't leave a lasting impression on me, in fact i didnt like it (which is funny considering it is now my favorite Deus Ex game), but there are 2 reasons for that;

the first one being is that at this point in my life gaming was more of a "secondary hobby", I didnt delve much into games as whole due to busy educational life, which leads to the second reason which is I was not into first person games at the time, I preferred the third person perspective of story driven games as I liked to see my character in action, but as the years go by, one's tastes and preferences change, altering what we like or how we like it.

And what you know, a bunch of months later I got sick and during my recovery process I decided to kill the time by watching some trailers on YouTube, and what do you know, Deus Ex Human Revolution trailer was there... and boy it got me hooked! I saw in Adam Jensen a bit of what I was going through at that point in my life, a man fighting alone to overcome the obstacles thrown at him.

Now to save the time, Long story short, after this, I started digging more into the series, it opened a new world to me, it shaped how perceive the world around me, politics, corporate greed, technology and yada yada. And this kind of influence keeps brining me back.

One thing I wish it does not go away tho, is my love for Deus Ex, I hope I never lose interest in the series or for it to fizzle out in the background of my life, I want to keep hanging on.

Now going back to your usual community therad program, In addition to that, If you're having trouble running DX1 on your PC, it is recommended to download Kentie's Launcher. You can also check out this spiffy Guide if you're new to DX1, it will help you to set the game up and get you going.

Last but not least, please take a look at our FAQ page for more info (very important before posting, as we get many posts addressing the exact same topic recently). For PC tech help, the PC Gaming Wiki is a great place to start because it lists the most common problems and solutions.

I hope you all enjoyed the holidays and wishing you a happy, healthy 2025, stay kind to each other.