Testing the Ruinous Effigy ball interactions
I did some testing on Ruinous Effigy in anticipation of the trace rifle artifact mods. I have a lot of fun with this gun, and the ball is surprisingly strong offensively and defensively.
Ruinous Effigy Ball testing - Everything below applies to the light attack, heavy slam, and blocking aura unless noted otherwise. - The ball receives buffs live - it doesn’t matter what buffs the gun has when the ball is created. - Here’s a good guide to Ruinous Effigy’s mechanics that /u/KYPspikes shared in the comments
✅✅✅ - Inherits Volatile Rounds from seemingly all sources - Procs Void Siphon helmet mod - Triggers Precious Scars effect - Is buffed by Radiant - Is buffed by Well of Radiance - Is buffed by Weapons of Light - Is buffed by Prismatic Transcendence - Damage is buffed by Sealed Ahamkara Grasps Nightmare Fuel - Refreshes Nightmare Fuel buff like a weapon kill - procs Sleight of Hand - Considered Elemental weapon for Mantle of Battle Harmony - Considered a void multi kill for Telesto reload and new Catalyst
❌❌❌ - Does not count as a Powered Melee or Unpowered Melee - Does not inherit Armor Surge damage buff (tested leg mods and Foetracer) - Does not trigger Bolt Charge Strike alone like abilities - Does not proc Repulsor Brace if swapped to a Repulsor Brace weapon - does not proc Bait n Switch, Discord, Harmony, Envious Assassin, Desperate Measures, Pugilist - does not proc Golden Tricorn x2 - does not count as a Void ability for Echo of Expulsion - Does not proc, nor is buffed by Winter’s Guile, Wormgod’s, Synthoceps, Khepri’s Sting, AC/D0, Dunemarchers - Does not activate mark for Cenotaph (thanks /u/VampireRae !) Heresy: Act 2 Artifact - Does not inherit Overload Trace Rifles - Does not proc Beam Medic - Does not benefit from Harsh Refraction
❓❓❓ - Does it receive Overcharged Weapon: Trace Rifles? - Does it trigger Bolt Charge strike with Storm’s Keep?
That’s everything I thought of / had the gear to test! If you have any interesting interactions to add, let me know and I’ll edit it in.
I am not confident in the ball inheriting the artifact mods[It does not], but maybe it will see some more play just from the gun itself benefiting.