Something’s gotta be done with 360 and 450 RPM Auto Rifles in PVE.
Pretty much just a rant.
Like, I know autos have never been amazing in PVE with 600s being decent (albeit heavily perk reliant), and 720s feeling pretty good. But something seriously has to change with 360s and 450s. So many cool weapons just dead in the water.
They’re consistently the lowest in terms of DPS and usage amongst all weapons, with many deeming them unsatisfying and underwhelming. My favorite gun is Shadow Price (weird, I know), but I can’t bring it into endgame PVE without getting weird looks. And honestly, they’re justified! It takes half a mag to take out 1 red bar acolyte. I could be using any other weapon at the same range and get better results. It has been like this for YEARS now.
There’s pretty much no practical reason to use a lower RPM auto over a 600 or 720 with similar perks. The range benefit they get compared to their faster firing counterparts has never been enough. They operate in the same ranges as hand cannons and pulses, which simply have better DPS.
Would it not be beneficial for the game to have every weapon archetype desirable in some capacity? I simply don’t understand how so many weapon archetypes can wallow in the depths of viability for so long.
There’s definitely a greater discussion to be had about the role of auto rifles in the weapon sandbox (and primaries in general), but I’d still love for them all to at least be brought in line with each other. And it’s true that this is an issue with most slower RPM weapon archetypes… Scouts and pulses have a similar issue, but they at least have a niche where they can be OK. There’s no place in PVE where 360 and 450 autos feel relevant at all.
Rant over. I just wanna use my favorite guns in master content without feeling insanely weak :(