Vespers Host not farmable despite being next in rotation, only 1 farmable dungeon
As title, order of rotation for the other set of dungeons would've made vespers the farmable after warlords, but not only is it not doing so, there's only 1 repeatable dungeon (grasp)
Update 1: I've made a post on help forums about it, Bungie help replied immediately asking that while they do see that there's only 1 dungeon rotator available, it should be warlords this week. I sent a link of recent dungeons to show that warlords was in fact last week, and they have yet to respond after an hour (of the time of this edit)
Update 2: they finally commented on the forums again a day later saying that this is, in fact, an issue and that "They're looking into the issue" so it's just a matter of will it get fixed before it's gone