Mild take: I don’t like raid levels of complication in dungeons
After the last dungeon I went… “meh it’s cool but slightly too much to remember for a dungeon” now I’m just like “… wtf this is more complicated than the majority of raid encounters.” Sick of it tbh
I’ve done all of the hardest things in the game and maybe it’s just me becoming more of a casual but I liked one or two endgame activities where you could just turn your brain off without much communication. I loved no mic dungeon runs. The grind for the weapons is so insane I have 30 plus of the last three (aside from Vesper) all without an exotic drop so it’s nice to be able to at least do that grind while turning off my brain.
Edit: 27:40 “it feels overly confusing..” etc, listen for about a minute, but nah you non world first raiders told me it’s so easy and not overly confusing so I guess I’ll listen to you…