State Of The Subreddit 2024 - To New Frontiers!
Artificial Intelligence Activated...enjoying yourselves, Redditors?
Wow, it's been a long time since we've done one of these!
Final Shape was a smashing success, Act 2 of Episode 1 has begun, and just like Failsafe, our lonely comms array has felt the need to connect back with the people we call home.
The last time we typed up a State of The Subreddit was nearly two years ago, right about in the middle of Witch Queen. To give context for any New Lights around (welcome!), we try and do at least one of these for every major DLC (though, I think you'll forgive us for missing out during Lightfall, we had enough on our plate as it was back then)! Nevertheless, now is the time for our yearly check-in with you, the subscribers of the subreddit, and us, your ever-loyal moderators and volunteers that help wrangle the over three million of you. Yeah, when did that happen? Absolutely insane.
Fun growth trivia for you before we dive into business!
Over just this 12 month period...
We've gained 401,000 subscribers
Saw 1.6 million unique visitors check us out
And witnessed over 345 million page views
And of these people...
We had over 113,000 published posts
And over 3,300,000 comments (!!!)
While we...
Received +12,700 user-submitted reports
Actioned +14,000 comments
Removed +6,300 posts
Note: Does not include posts automatically removed by the reddit admins or our automoderator
It's truly incredible how much this community has grown since we last talked. It feels like just yesterday we were wishing /u/norsefenrir a happy birthday for the first time, and now we're one of the Top 10 Video Game subreddits across all of Reddit! Our little corner has grown massively from the small collective groups that were here for each time we connected with you in the past.
All the way back to Destiny 1: House of Wolves to the celebration of Destiny 2 and then it's unfortunate crash and burn that needed a secondary address to the community...
Then Forsaken, then Shadowkeep, then Beyond get the idea. Sorry to spend so much time looking back, so consider it our brief period of back-patting in celebration of our 10 years as well! (Well, actually 11, we booted up a year prior but who's counting).
Now let's get this update rolling!
You may have noticed over the past few weeks we've been tweaking the reset threads to accommodate for all the Final Shape changes! Everyone please give a warm thank-you to our resident botsmith /u/techman- for his hard work on keeping our little light up and running, especially for those crazy Xur changes that required a pretty wide inventory refresh! Thankfully we were not significantly impacted by the API changes later last year, though we did have to drop support for one of our moderation tools.
If there's anything else you'd like to see in these threads, let us know! We're always looking to improve our systems and keep our templates up to date.
Fresh Meat: Four New Hands Touch The Beacon!
Final Shape was an amazing breath of fresh air that I'm sure everyone's well aware was just what this community needed. We're just as happy that the expansion managed to stick the landing, but Bungie hasn't stopped running, so neither will we! You might remember we had a post calling out for new mods a few weeks ago, and we're delighted to announce that we have successfully bribed-...I mean, welcomed, four new happy faces to the team!
While Reddit's tools have grown a lot over the past years to help anonymize and protect moderators from harassment, rest assured they'll be working right on the front lines whenever you send us a message or if there's any bad actors that mix in with the rest of the fun and need to be taken care of.
Rules: Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em
We've had lots of small changes and upgrades on our rules over the last year, though most of them have focused around Rule 2, which is considered by most to be our general purpose quality control rule. While the rule remains largely the same, we just want to take this time to highlight a couple subtle items that are on that list.
LFG Complaints/LFG Stories: "I was kicked...", "This LFG group was shitty", "LFG sucks" are generally focused on people, and not the game
Hot Take/Unpopular Opinion/Does Anyone Else titled posts (technically Rule 4 but similarly worded/spirited posts will be taken down) are classified as clickbait and frequently low effort
Discussion of macros, scripts, or any other potential TOS-breeching content have always been disallowed
We understand that there have been a wide influx of reposts and hotly-discussed topics on the Flavor Of The Monthtm and we will continue to be balanced in our application of enforcement and fair discussion. We recommend you check out our Bungie Plz submission form for any topics you believe qualify for retirement! (Do be advised, Bungie Plz has a 1 month minimum requirement. The x2 Dual Destiny exploit was patched June 25th).
In Conclusion...
That just about wraps things up! This party train has no brakes, we've got future episodes on the horizon and Frontiers already announced for the distant future, and lord knows what else. We'll do our best to keep things running on our end, and as always we're open to any feedback you have to share!
As the community grows higher and higher into the millions of members, it inevitably goes under shifts and changes to fit the larger collective. We've done our best to cultivate a welcoming environment and we hope you'll keep this spirit to heart as well when you interact with your fellow guardians.
See you starside, from here to the frontiers beyond.