Feedback: dungeon weapon farming.

No fancy preface. I’ll just get right to it.

You win, Bungie. I have been beaten. I have been discouraged and frustrated to the point of just not being willing to pay for or play dungeons anymore. I feel like my time and effort has been disrespected.

Other than one Onslaught run to add the new Brave weapons to the pool and an already planned from last week Crota run, the only thing I did in this game(or any game) this week was farm Gahlran. Hitting somewhere in the vicinity of 400 attempts, more than half of which were this week alone. I stopped counting around 200. Never saw the roll I’m chasing.

I have all 4 RNG dungeon exotics. Yet I only have 3 dungeon weapons with the column 3/4 perk combo I want. After years and hundreds and hundreds of encounters from all dungeons combined, I have a whopping 3 desired rolls.

I truly don’t understand the thought process of excluding dungeons from player agency and bad luck protection. They have by far become the least played thing among my clan/friend group because of how unrewarding they are. I had to spend a week of LFG farming instead of playing with my friends because no one feels they are worth their time. And I certainly don’t either after this week. Everyone just gets the exotic and then never touches them again. Some haven’t even bothered with Warlord at all.

This is not conducive to fun. This is not conducive to a rewarding experience. This is not conducive to the accessibility of being able to try things out in a game that has become very much about build crafting. The game is at its best when things are reasonably accessible and people can experiment with everything we’re capable of now. Dungeons do not meet any of that criteria and have what I would call a “dated” reward system when compared to the rest of the game. The dungeon reward system does not benefit us, the players, in any way.

So again, you win. I’m done. No more dungeons. The Final Shape will be the first D2 deluxe edition I don’t get and it will be exclusively for this reason. Standard it is. Sure I’ll only save a few bucks if I get the episodes a la carte but the amount of time I’d spend in dungeons will be spent on something in another game that doesn’t feel like it’s actively disrespecting my time and effort. This extremely negative experience has derailed the hype train that arrived when Into the Light dropped pretty hard.