The winnower will be the next big bad
There have been wayyyy too many lore drops regarding the winnower since the final shape expansion dropped.
“ The Winnower seeks to end the flower game” - Echo of navigation
There was also a crazy voice line by oryx in court of blades about the winnower I can’t find online that solidified it
There was also a line about the winnower should be in control of the taken and ascendant plane but a new entity is present.
Heresy specifically is directly mentioning it and it would make sense as each antagonist has to one up the previous one for stakes to feel real.
Byf also seems to agree, what do you guys think?
The winnower seems to threaten the guardian twice directly the first time in final shape
“ be seeing you” and the second time in heresy
“ yet you point a gun between us, you know this only ends one way”
"The world is not built on the laws they love… Not with peace, but by victory at any means." —The Winnower
"Lightbearer. You're so serious about all of this."
"It's just a game."
"You want to shape the world but don't have the stomach for the 'wrong' kind of violence."
"So, you stare at stone or glass, trying to invoke the Deep with control."
"We are already more acquainted than you remember."
"Can you hear me now, over the whiners and would-be gods?"
"Do you know that I consider you a frustrating friend?"
"And yet you point a gun, even when there is still so much between us."
"You know this only ends one way."
"Then kill it. I dare you." -The Winnower