This is Pretty Hard for Me
I'm an introvert who thought they could solo a lot of the content in Destiny 2. After an absolutely miserable match of Nightfall last night, which lasted about an hour and a half because the randos I paired with kept disconnecting, I realized that this would be my average experience if I didn't do something to change it.
Right now, I'm wanting to try and get together some players who are also in the same boat as me, preferably new like me so we can all learn the content together, but beggars can't be choosers and I'd appreciate anybody. Ultimately the goal is to put together a clan of people who can enjoy the game and help each other with different quests and stuff, a group that is still able to solo content if they want, but always have access to other people when they need them.
It's a tall ask, but if I get a few responses, I can at the very least try to set up a clan and a discord and all that nonsense. I also don't mind joining one if this ends up already being a thing someone wouldn't mind inviting me to.
Like the title says, this is pretty hard for me to do, I hate putting myself out there, but I'm quite miserable trying to play everything solo. Thanks for reading!