Anti-Trump? Anti-Biden? Pro-Elon-ish? Pro-China! Anti-Democracy Uncle is driving me fucking insane
Can anyone please help me please please I just want to commit falling without water bucket. I will just rant and go to bed
Ok, so a few points before the debate. My uncle believed that I have been brainwashed by the algorithm to be anti-china, to spew out pro-biden argument but with redneck bias (due to my racism against certain people). Everytime I tried to push him on a specific detail, he always backs off and will do "the loop" with "I don't want to convert you, I'm just stating my opinion" or he goes with "I'm not political, and you can find truth about anything everywhere, you can give me proof or ask me for proof, but I don't need to. because I'm not poltiical and you can find truth anyw....". Basically, he can't trust anything I say because I'm already being poisoned by the algorithm or some shit, and any research paper that I can give is bullshit because its anti-china?? I DONT FUCKING KNOW. So me asking proof or giving proof is bad, because my uncle is "bad at debate, and doesn't want to debate me, he only want to give me informations and gauge my reaction???"
My uncle thinks that trump is retarded, but hence why american people is retarded (because they elect him) but he likes trump because he is more straightforward then the left. One thing that we just debated earlier is the "US Defense Department contract 'inaccurately represented' on social media, says Thomson Reuters | Reuters" accusation that reuters is being paid by us government??? (biden??) to twist the truth to be anti-china. He doesn't believe that reuters need 9 million for cybersecurity "because all of the password is stored in amazon servers, and why not the US just give the fund to amazon directly?" I tried to push him on a specific example, but he just brushed me off with "idk, I just know its common sense" and then does "the loop" again.
He always goes on about how china is better than US, that US shouldn't be the world police, how russia is innocent (and justified to invade russia due to the nato deal and how nato is constricting russia) North Korea is not so bad (ignore the crimes, its just US propaganda) and how Trump saluting to North Korea is normal and fine. How US tried to sabotage China like with Taiwan and Chips restriction, but China still mogs the american because China is just so advanced. He uses Chinese Medicine and always said that its superior than western ones, when I ask for a single fucking research paper, he does the loop. He said that China will mog the US on AI, EV, Renewable energy, and the only reason that China haven't beaten the US is because US is sabotaging them. He also thinks america blow up the german pipeline. He always thinks that every single US media is bias because they have negative psychological language against china. like one example is "Toyota launches its cheapest smart EV in China, aims to up market share" this headline is bad because people will think that China have bad EV and Toyota will beat China, he literally immediately said that it is ant-chinese bias because reutres have been paid by the US government (the 9 Million thing) to be anti-China. And that he is neutral because thats how it is and does the loop again. He believes that China is justified to censor citizen in China because you can't control that many people in China and you have to rule with an Iron fist, he also doesn't believe in censorhip in China because "you can buy a phone in Shenzen, and the seller will tell you that you can install vpn, therefore China is not censored". The censorship that China does against Taiwan and anything that tries to critize china is based, because Taiwan is bad because of US propaganda, and China have the right to correct themself against US propaganda, and that "this is common senese, if people doesn't know that saying "taiwan" is bad, then they should be punished". He thinks its not fair that the US can "spread democracy (which is bad)" to other country but often censors people and sabotage companies (doesn't give specific examples and does the loop or just vaguepost or personal experience).
Also democracy is bad, because US basically force other country to be democratic (which doesn't work) one example is India and Indonesia, where corruption is rampant, and Idiots are allowed to vote (I kinda agree with him) and that vote is apparently equal to smart people. Hence why Sinagpore system (which china Copies) is based and China's political system is based. US shouldn't be the world police, because US did bad stuff and people have the right to defend themself and not be bullied by the US. Yeah, China did bad stuff like ughyur, but thats obviously US propaganda, those photos and evidence are just propaganda by the US, and does the loop.
This one is the one I'm still mald about, but he outlasted me. He said that "truth can be twisted no matter what" I asked to give an example, he just said "search any topic you want, you can 100% find bias" I searched a topic about trump tarrif being bad and can't find anything, he said that "your algorithm is messed up, only showing things you like", when I aksed to search on his phone, he refused stating "to not mess his alogrith" WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT ME TO DO THEN and he does the loop again
Also, he is anti-biden because democrats like to hide stuff and does stuff behind their back. They are sneaky, thus are able to hide stuff and propagandize. Can't elaborate when asked for example. He did have a specific personal experience where his child said that "Ugh I have to manipulate the book again" and that companies are manipulating their statistics to make it look better and other AMERICAN company are basically manipulating the books to make themself look good on stock market. This is anecdotal so I can't fucking refute it. Also, this is why deepseek is better, because ameircan like to manipulate stuff, but not China. Also, China's Autonomous Agent, Manus is actually the one that causes the stock market to drop, not the tarrifs, but no news media are willing to report on it day 1 because anti-china. Doesn't matter that they reported it now, they should've reported it day 1 when it caused the stock market to dorp.
He also said that he watched an interview of Tim Cook being asked by Obama "what can I do to make you mvoe your factories to America instead of China" and Tim Cook just said "its too late" and he said this is one example of media manipulation, because instead of saying "China has superior talent and supply chain", he just said "Its too late" and America likes to hide truth instead of saying it direclt,y hence why I like trupm and republican (even though hes retarded and China is better)
Also, he fought me on the weeds on the Elon Musk being a Pro Gamer thing. He asked about if Elon is really a pro gamer or not, I linked a karl jobst video: The Elon Musk Cheating Scandal. He said that he doesn't believe youtubers, because they have incentive to Lie, he does the Hasan where he doesn't want to watch any youtubers becaues they have bias. I tried giving some some "doubts" that his account is proven to be bought, his movements seems amateur for a pro player, and that we can see it on his stream, and he just said "oh really, he stream his games? why? must be deepfaked *gave personal experience of elon's fake videos" I said its not fake, heres the proof. and he basically ended the conversation with "Is he really that stupid to stream his games live? Is he really that stupid? (yes)" and does the loop. Also, I tried convincing him that karl jobst is credible, but he doesn't believe it because hes a youtuber, but he believed the pro players that karl jobst interviewed, and thats why also he doesn't have to believe destiny, because destiny can just give him proof after proof after proof (that has been twisted) to try to convince me (but I'm a gigachad that doesn't accept proof, unless its pro-china) and that if he debates destiny he would lose due to proof, but it doesn't matter because truth is..... (the loop) doesn't matter that destiny researched everything on stream, because he got a incentive to basically lie. And when he does debate with anyone, we can't know who won the debate because. THE LOOOOOOP.