Women of DGG - how do you actually feel about 4THOT's comments?

I think as the head mod, that kind of language should be discouraged because even if they're supposed to be personal to Kelly, it can easily be misconstrued otherwise - having said that, I don't think the messages themselves are particularly indicative of actual incel beliefs.

As for the Pxie response, that one I actually do kind of agree was uncalled for and arguably sexist although I am sympathetic to 4THOT's feelings as well. I agree with her that if she happened to be a man saying the exact same shit, no one would bat an eye, but bc she is a left leaning women, its easy to say "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND. SHUT UP". At the same time, he isn't wrong in saying Pxie does not understand the male loneliness epidemic (not that she exactly claimed to), and it can be extra aggravating to see someone try and relate to something they really haven't experienced. I think at the very least, he could have delivered the same sentiment in a more respectful manner.

I think the person I was most disappointed with in this whole conversation was Dan tbh. I don't exactly understand what happened bw him and 4THOT to make him so upset, but it felt like he was incredibly dehumanizing when trying to invalidate 4THOT's opinions on account of his job. No one's purpose/existence should be boiled down to what they do to survive, and it's a little unfair to demean someone's job, especially when said job has been pretty integral to ensuring this community can have a safe space on this platform - it may not be as noble as creating a company, but to say that the person has no accomplishments on account of being a reddit mod feels gross.

To sum it up, I think Dan's treatment of 4THOT on stream was a lot worse/more dehumanizing then the statements 4THOT made to Kelly Jean. However, I also think Destiny should probably be a bit more harsh when it comes to disavowing 4THOTS language to KJ on the discord. 4THOT probably is a little sexist, but I think people are being incredibly hyperbolic when calling him an incel and Dan does not actually give a damn about women, it just gives him an optics W to leverage that in his crusade to see 4THOT fired.

Anyhow, what do my fellow ladies think?