I haven’t finished yet but I HAVE TO SAY THIS

I’m on season 8 episode 13. This fucking season has been so hard to watch omg. These girls cover up a MURDER for Gabby.. Bree does absolutely everything in her power to protect them, help them, be the best friend she can possibly be to these women… AND THEY ARE SUCH CUNTS, O. M. G. it’s hard to watch!!!!!!!

Gabby is mad at BREE?! For protecting her and helping her?! They all stop talking to her?! Like this makes zero sense. Gabbys character is insufferable this season with how self centered, inconsiderate, and just down right mean prissy bitch she is.

Lynette being on the side of being mad at Bree? That’s something she never would have done in the earlier seasons.

& susan has got to be the dumbest she’s ever been this season. Ugh🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴

Idk I just had to get that out. This season is weird so far. I have like 10 episodes left. These ladies should be giving their lives for Bree, not exiling her.