Should I buy a house this year?

No, I did not post in the wrong subreddit. Let me give context.

So, a little over a month ago my landlord told me that he was planning on selling the house that I'm currently renting from him. He offered to sell the house to me. I told him I need to see if I can afford a loan for the house first.

After reviewing my finances, I have just enough to get a loan to buy a house in my area. My lease for the apartment ends May 1st. I have about two months to either buy my current apartment (which I don't like), buy a different house in the area (that I might like more than my current home), or move out and find somewhere else to rent/live.

Since the Trump administration has been taking a sledgehammer to many government programs and has been messing with tariffs and foreign relations, I'm fearful that now might not be a good time to buy a house in the United States.

To my knowledge, the two things that would harm me from buying a house are either:

A. The economy dramatically goes down like it did during COVID-19, and I could get laid off from work. Thus I'd be unable to afford a home mortgage.

B. Trump does something to the banking system that makes it so I'm unable to get a mortgage in the first place, or if I do get a mortgage, the banks can crank up my mortgage payments so high that I can't afford to pay them back.

To my knowledge, it would be in Trump's best interest to not harm the economy in such a way that it would harm my chances of getting a house. However, I don't trust Trump being smart enough to not do something that would harm everyone, including his own administration.

Since strong left-wing groups are the most critical of the right-wing like Trump, what do y'all think are the worst things Trump could do that would make it difficult, if not impossible, for people looking to buy a house? Do you think there is a high chance that Trump will do that bad thing during his administration?


[You can stop reading here. Everything below this line is just extra details about my housing situation.]


About me. my current house used to be a two-story single-family house, but it was converted to a duplex with the upstairs and downstairs becoming separate rental spaces. The upstairs is a studio apartment. I'm currently renting the downstairs portion (which includes the basement space). I have three bedrooms, one bathroom, a kitchen, a living room, and a washer and dryer in the basement. I rent all that for $690 a month (not including utilities).

I could try looking for a new apartment. However, this will be very difficult because any apartments that are similar to my current apartment will have a significantly higher rent than what I am currently paying. Three-bedroom apartments in my area will be at least double if not triple my current rent. (At that rent price, a mortgage payment would probably be cheaper.)

If I don't want a higher rent, I'll need to get a smaller apartment, and either sell A LOT of my personal stuff, or I'll need to rent a storage space in addition to my smaller apartment.


I'd prefer not to buy the house I'm currently renting. Although it has lots of bedrooms, they're all rather small, and most of the walls are load-bearing. So, I can't combine two bedrooms into one. I'd rather have fewer bedrooms with each bedroom being bigger. I don't like the overall layout of the house. Since the house is relatively small, with lots of internal walls, everything is compacted. The house also has a lot of small issues that need to be fixed. All the bathroom walls need to be redone and the bathroom ventilation needs fixing.

However, I do know that beggars can't be choosers.

I also don't want a duplex because that incentivizes me to become a landlord. I already have a lot of responsibility as is, I don't want the additional responsibility... and shame... of being a landlord.