WTF was this??
I’m rewatching for the first time since I was a tween (and seriously questioning my parents’ lack of supervision lmao), and I have many thoughts. 1. I forgot completely about Manny’s character. She turned into such a backstabbing mistress… does she ever have a boyfriend she hasn’t stolen from someone/her friend hasn’t dated first? 2. Am I making up the memory of Terri taking laxatives? Maybe I skipped that episode by accident? Or did that not happen? 3. The episode with the shooting was really hard to watch. I reaaaally didn’t like how they tried to victimize Rick and had Jimmy and everyone else blame Spinner for Rick’s actions. No matter how bullied someone is, there’s no excuse for doing that (especially when the bullying was because he put a girl in a COMA). 4. WHY did they end Emma’s storyline with marrying SPINNER?? It made zero sense— they didn’t know each other super well, suddenly they’re saying “I love you,” and Spinner’s just over Jane. It felt like a huge disappointment ending the OG2.0’s storyline with that wedding.
I’m currently on S10 E17. What are some things you didn’t notice before rewatching?
I’m rewatching for the first time since I was a tween (and seriously questioning my parents’ lack of supervision lmao), and I have many thoughts. 1. I forgot completely about Manny’s character. She turned into such a backstabbing mistress… does she ever have a boyfriend she hasn’t stolen from someone/her friend hasn’t dated first? 2. Am I making up the memory of Terri taking laxatives? Maybe I skipped that episode by accident? Or did that not happen? 3. The episode with the shooting was really hard to watch. I reaaaally didn’t like how they tried to victimize Rick and had Jimmy and everyone else blame Spinner for Rick’s actions. No matter how bullied someone is, there’s no excuse for doing that (especially when the bullying was because he put a girl in a COMA). 4. WHY did they end Emma’s storyline with marrying SPINNER?? It made zero sense— they didn’t know each other super well, suddenly they’re saying “I love you,” and Spinner’s just over Jane. It felt like a huge disappointment ending the OG2.0’s storyline with that wedding.
I’m currently on S10 E17. What are some things you didn’t notice before rewatching?