I wonder if AI content will eventually simplify and homogenize how we talk.
Language is evolving, that’s always been true. But I wonder if there will ever be a world where AI text can become so abundant, so easy to access, and so trusted that it makes up the majority of any instance of language we come across. Like, say 80% percent of your day is spent communicating with AI, so in a way it’s your dominant language.
If we learn language based on feedback, then people could base what “sounds right” on what AI has provided them. This could also create some sort of loop where people slowly validate AI quirks by using them naturally in their lives. The idiosyncrasies of common models will eventually just become sayings, and everyday AI would slowly erase dialects and other regional variants of tongue.
Maybe this could extend to video too, but with body language and non-verbal symbolism we see filmmakers and social media influencers use. You just become convinced that you need to do an exaggerated motion to accurately express any of your feelings, and all of these become influenced by a majority of AI content.
Maybe it’ll all just be the universal homogenizer in the end.