If the COVID-19 pandemic did not happen, the world would become saner than it is now.
Was thinking back in 2019 when the world still felt so real and everything felt like peacetime. It was the most peaceful year, minus the protests around the world. A recession would still happen but to a lesser degree.
Had COVID-19 not happened, the world in 2025 would have seen the end of Trumpism due to trump being reelected in 2020 instead of 2024. Incel culture wouldn't have popped up ad a result of angry gen z teens who have lost their heyday years to COVID. We could be on the verge of eradicating poverty or at least hunger from this world.
That is not to say the world now isn't making positive progress, but everyone now at least once imagined a time where the world didn't have the COVID-19 pandemic. But oh how things could be different with more people alive and sane.