If AI creates a post scarcity reality there will be no politics.

Politics is ultimately the human social construct around managing scarce resources. In a previous era, it was land based, because land made food, and obviously more land is more food. Inequality and strife naturally arise as human's conflict with other humans over those scarce resources.

Later in history, of course, it became about natural resources which supply the industrial needs.

And, the key feature of politics is heirarchical status amongst those subject to the political system. But again, all in the name of managing the distribution of scarce resources, while maintaining order.

On the other hand, in tribes and people where all needs are largely met (prehistorical aboriginal peoples largely), and there is very little scarcity, there is little political wrangling. After all, if anyone can get their needs met, what use is heirarchical standing?

AI might usher an era in of hyper abundance and post scarcity. Imagine if AI can create any material, print any quantity of food, and create unlimited clean energy. I'm not saying it will, but if it does, even in a small part, I believe we'll see the end of politics at large along with the resulting strife that inevitably arises from the inequality that originates in humanity's need to control it's surroundings and scarce resources.