The illusion of freedom is the system. We are livestock to the elite

I had a dream where common people were farm animals. We like to believe we’re free, that we’re making our own choices, chasing our own goals. If you take a step back, you’ll see the cycle they’ve trapped us in. Work, debt, survival. Working a 9 to 5 for a two week vacation. The elite dangle opportunities in front of us, keeping us just comfortable enough to not question the system.

But are we really living? Or just being drained of our time, our energy, our dreams—slowly drained for the benefit of those in control? They keep us running in circles, convincing us we have choices, when in reality, most are simply surviving, moving from one milestone to the next.

We’re no different than the farm animals—born into a system designed to use us for our labor until there’s nothing left to give.