Amazing Scientific FACTS in the Bible explained
Ok, so I was watching on yt the video with the title in the title. The guy I hope, is making this videos just as jokes cuz holy bajongas man there is a lot of insane stuff in there, just watch it for yourself, the dude calls every single person that uses the metric system a commie, yeah that kind of insane stuff. First of all he says just how the Bible proves evolution, because days are not days but rather eras, or eons or I don't know. And it just hit me.
You go to the phamraccy because your sister is ill. Nothing bad, just a common cold. Imagine if your pharmacist wrote on the prescription, and gave you 7 pills, tell your sister to take this pill every 24 hours for 7 days. You go home, and give the pills to your sister with the prescription from the pharmacist. Your sister takes them as follows, and then, on day 2 she dies. You go back to the pharmacist and say what happend man, she took the pills as you said and she died! The pharmacist says, yes, but I was talking about biblical days, or unagabunga days, not literal days. I bet you would not call that very scientific, would you? I can already see a lawsuit incoming (ungabunga days = 1 day can be 3, 7, 9, 23, 11, 7.13, 22.9, 990, 21, 13 and 1 ungabunga hour = the number of sneezes from kitties between ages 1.364332 and 8.8786632189453187, yeah I made it up. How can any of this stuff can even remotelly make any sense to anyone? Twisting and turning dates, names, facts, and confusing the reader, what kind of a book even does that?
The video is just pure perfection in ilustrating how delusional thinking works.
Edit: formatting.