'Fake' interactions

I've deconstructed/am deconstructing but my spouse remains Christian, though is generally understanding of my journey. I still attend church with him, which I don't think will last forever, but right now it feels OK.

What I find hard is managing interactions with people who just assume I still share all the same beliefs as them. We had one of his family members stay recently. We only see him a handful of times a year, and conversation generally stays fairly light. As I don't have a close relationship with this person, I have no desire to open up to them about the changes in my beliefs.

However, what I find difficult is being sort of disingenuous when God comes into the conversation which happens quite regularly with this person. E.g. him talking about a friend who is struggling and saying 'but we know God has a plan for him' or how 'God's love is better than any love we can know on earth, isn't it?'.

I really don't feel it's worth having a very difficult/ painful conversation with this person I barely see, but at the same time I feel really icky awkwardly nodding along. The incongruence when you appear one way externally and feel quite different internally is unpleasant.

I do think with close relationships you just have to take the bull by the horns and have the conversation, but with others, is some passive pretending the best way to go? Or is there a point you just need to go nuclear? Are there people that you have a facade with just because it's not worth the upset it would cause? And if so, how do you manage how these interactions make you feel?