How do you reconcile Jesus?
One thing I can’t let go of, or that I don’t have a solid response to is, what about Jesus? It’s said that Christianity hinges on the resurrection of Jesus. So how do I explain it? Did the apostles make it up and die for a lie? What about how the whole bible points to Jesus? There’s a lot of typology in there, and I can’t pretend it doesn’t exist. The Israelites were waiting for a messiah. Jesus fits the picture. His death and resurrection just makes so much sense in the final picture. That’s the big mystery that I don’t know how to bury with the rest of what had been my faith. Anybody have an explanation or an idea of how it’s not true? Or do you guys just shrug and say “I don’t know, but everything else in Christianity is enough for me to say I don’t care”. I’m curious because this is so frustrating for me and it makes me consider being a Christian that only cares about what Jesus himself has said and done and ignore every other aspect of Christianity.