An episode about changing hearts on climate change?

I think it would be interesting to highlight public figures who were previously outspoken about the threat of climate change, but have now been red-pilled and either believe it's not happening anymore, or that it's highly exaggerated and not worth addressing.

Some examples are Elon Musk, Joe Rogan, Bill Maher and Bari Weiss. They declare "I still believe climate change is real", and then go on to point out how the most extreme predictions about glaciers melting didn't come true, how silly it is to ban plastic straws, how hypocritical Obama/Gore are for flying and buying beachfront property, and how detrimental climate "alarmism" is to children's mental health - on par with the woke mind virus. The plastic straw ban (which is really about saving animals and preventing food contamination) is just one example of practical steps they criticize for not making a difference, but they never provide alternative solutions, while being supportive of or indifferent to "drill baby, drill". Instead, they focus on the non-zero carbon footprint of climate activists, talk about Greta Thunberg's quirky personality, and complain about being labeled "climate deniers" for just asking questions.

Then we have more extreme examples like Matt Taibbi and Jimmy Dore, who were both very concerned about climate change a few years ago, but now argue it's a made-up crisis "because they lied to us about Russiagate and covid", and Dave Rubin who used to ridicule people for not believing in climate change, but is now unambiguously calling it a hoax.

People like Jordan Peterson and Bret Weinstein don't fall into this category as their views have been consistent.

I'm writing a piece about the topic, so other examples are welcome. Has any public figure gone in the opposite direction and talked about it?